Friday, December 31, 2010

Just a little background...

To our family and friends, thank you for sharing in the excitement of the birth of our precious little baby girl.  Ely was born on December 30, 2010 at 12:58 PM.  She weight 6 pounds, 7 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.

Many of you may have heard by now that Ely had some complications not long after delivery.  We have been overwhelmed with an outpouring of support from all of our family and friends, both by way of phone calls and by way of text and email.  Today, we have found it not only difficult to remember who we have talked to and who we haven't, but also difficult to remember what we told those that we have talked to.  We get updates regularly and it is hard to spread the word.

As a result, we have setup this blog to keep all of you updated on her progress.  Please check back often for the latest information.

 * * * * * *

That out of the way, let me share our story.  Shortly after birth, and during the transition period, Ely began having trouble regulating her blood oxygen levels.  She gave us a few scares where it appeared she wasn't breathing.  Praise the Lord that our transition nurse (Jesse...who was wonderful) was watching Ely closely during transition and quickly reacted.  After a little oxygen and some stimulation, her Oxygen levels returned to normal.  Ely was fine for the next 40 minutes or so, but as we prepared to leave labor and delivery for the Mother/Baby wing, Ely had another episode.

Rather than complete the in-room transition, the nurse felt it best to take her back to the nursery and have the doctors give her another examination.  While in the well-baby nursery, Ely continued to have episodes where her Oxygen saturation would plummet.  As a result, the medical staff felt it best to hold her in the nursery for a while to monitor her status.

After some time in the nursery with no real improvement, the decision was made to move her to the NICU where there is a much smaller nurse/baby ratio and she could be more closely monitored.

As of late night December 30, we were waiting on updates on her progress and to hear word from her doctors.

 * * * * * *

To further complicate matters, big brother Matthew developed strep throat just a few short hours after Ely's birth.  I took him to the doctor last night (December 30) to get a diagnosis and medicine.  Due to his illness and the NICU restrictions, he is not able to come to the hospital to see Amy or baby Ely until his fever and symptoms subside.

I will post additional information as we have things to share.

Thanks for your love and support.

Brad, Amy, Matthew and Ely

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